Why do Indian students go abroad?

Why do Indian students go abroad?
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Why do Indians go abroad for higher studies?
I'm currently planning to complete my graduation and go abroad (and may be settle after higher studies). So I can give my opinion on why I want to leave India to settle abroad.
I'll begin with a small story of my life:
"Hey that's amazing how did you make that," asked my friend (and my classmate), seeing a little fan in my hand that was connected to a switch. It was a simple electric circuit that connected a motor, a battery and a switch in series, but it was fascinating to him even though electric circuits were already introduced in the class. This was probably because no one, not even teachers ever cared to show us how it actually works. It was always mugging up the concepts and getting the marks. Students and the teachers alike believed in this philosophy. But for me? Those circuit components were what building blocks are for a kid. I would play with them whole day and ask my dad to buy more of such components. Each time he did, I used to be more excited than an Indian is before an India Pakistan cricket match. I remember making those infinite circuit designs that started with a single switch controlled fan and ended at 2 switch controlled moving car!
Now this passion for making and designing was not something new. It was always there. And it is still here at this very moment.
But I used to score decently in exams. I was neither too bad nor too good at "studies"
*Flash forward 5 years: 11th standard*
It was all set. Unlike most other science students who wanted to be engineers by "parent's choice," I wanted to be one by my choice. So I took opted for the science stream. I heard for the first time about IITs and and other prestigious colleges and about how one needs to score in a test (IIT-JEE) and get a good rank to study from there. They called it (they still do) "cracking the IIT."
Test? Really? I always thought engineering was more of a practical thing and involved things like creative thinking and finding new ideas. But they would judge my capability on the basis of am exam that tested my capability to remember chemical equations, mathematical formulas and maybe a little of my capability of impromptu problem solving. I understand problem solving but if I want to be an electronics engineer, why the hell do you want to see my ability to mug up and apply chemical equations? Won't you instead check on my ability to understand electronics concepts and my ability to apply them. Won't you see my creativity and the practical projects I have made based on them? Aren't you at all interested in seeing my talent to create and make and design things?
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Moreover, I had no choice and if I was going to be an engineer it had to be from an Institute that would impart me with best of knowledge. So I decided to give them what they wanted. I set my goal like others to "crack IIT" by studying hard. All my hobbies of creating new designs and my latest idea of making 'robots' was forgotten. I was there like everyone else, studying and mugging up and solving numericals. Two years passed by, two years of my life in which I had given my everything for clearing the exam.
IIT-JEE: Not qualified.
Damn! I was a little crushed but maybe it was not meant to be. Anyway, AIEEE, the next big exam was still pending.
AIEEE: Rank 46,569 out of more than 12,00,000 students (some say it was 13 lakh)
If you do the maths, I was among the top 4% of the students. Genius right? No! The good institutes demanded a rank less than 20,000. Be them the National Institute of Technologies or Delhi Technical University. For them I was stupid and not capable enough to study from their Institutes. 'Was I really?' I thought.
Anyways, a local university in Delhi was the last resort I had to stick with. (I cannot reveal the name, but if you are an engineer from Delhi like me, you know the name)
Now I am in the last year of my graduation, completely hating Indian education system not only because of the way they checked my capability of being an engineer but also because of the way these guys made me an "engineer."
In last 3 years of my engineering, every teacher who has entered the class room has started the lecture with the words "Now the next important topic that comes in your exams is this..." Every fucking thing revolves around exams, marks, bullshit! Nobody gives a fuck if students actually learn or understand concepts and create something from them. They do not want practical designs or projects. They want fucking copied assignments and marks! I'm doing research on an electronic device on my own because no professor has agreed to really help me! For them this is a "time waste"
Believe me, this was not the engineering I hoped for. Like my cousin said I am now placed in an IT frim because 'India is not for electronics engineers' and no electronics company came (nor would it be coming) for placements. If I do not get out of this hell hole made for me, they would make me work like a donkey. I would loose my passion and maybe the love of my life.
Now the top most universities of the world do not work by the Indian ideology. They are not only concerned with my marks but also give an equal weightage to my projects and researches. They would be happy to let me study in their institute if I've score averagely in my B.Tech exams but I have done good research projects. They do not have any entrance exam like JEE or GATE with cut off ranks. They want creative and practical students. Their process is what I agree with. Their teaching methodology is not based not just exams but practical knowledge. They make engineers. I wish to be an engineer and I dont think India is making me one.
Why do you think all great compnies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Qualcomm and even Quora are all American? Do Indians not have the talent to start such companies? Bullshit! We have the capability to create even better companies than these but maybe we never are given an opportunity to do so! Change the system and we would change the way world sees India. Jai Hind!
Why do Indians go abroad for higher studies?
I have done my bachelor's in Audiology and Speech language pathology .. fascinating?? I did it from PGI,chd (top medical institute of India). For seeking admission in Masters program ,i gave entrance exam and stood second in rank.The candidate on 1st position has scored same marks as mine and the tie breaker was her experience of 1 year.I still cannot get admission due to only 1 seat in general category which was backed by the candidate on 1st rank. Also, there was 1 seat in Scheduled Caste(SC) category and no candidate from such category had given the entrance exam .So.I requested the dean of pgi to convert the SC category seat into general category for this year as mentioned about the possibility of conversion in the prospectus of the Msc(counselling and academic sessions).
But they denied my request stating that SC comission doesn't allow this conversion.
If the SC comission had denied the conversion,why they have mentioned in the prospectus?
N its the waste of my whole year.I have worked day and night for the entrance and the end result is wastage of the whole year.
Other students who scored less than me and were from OBC category are now enrolled in the masters program.
This is the reason why I m leaving this country and going to pursue my higher education in abroad.
Indian students go abroad for a variety of reasons, including:
Higher education: Many Indian students aspire to study in universities abroad which are renowned for their high academic standards and excellent research facilities.
Career Opportunities: Studying abroad can open doors to international job opportunities and provide a global network.
Exposure to diverse cultures: Studying abroad exposes students to a diverse range of cultures and perspectives, which can broaden their perspectives and enhance their personal development.
Language Skills: Studying in a foreign country helps students to improve their language skills and become proficient in a second language.
Personal Growth: Studying abroad is a life-changing experience that can help students become more independent, self-sufficient, and confident.
Improved standard of living: Some students pursue education abroad with the hope of a better standard of living, which may include higher salaries, access to better healthcare and other social services.
Why do Indians go abroad for higher studies?
Due to the great indian policy of “Reserved before Deserved”.
Even if the students work hard to study and score really well, they don’t get admission to the colleges they want and should get by merit.
There are a large number of Indian students and other international students those who go abroad for their higher studies because of several benefits. These are :
Students get a chance to gain an international perspective on their major area of study. They are able to discover new academic interest, they can develop their confidence level and skills.
They are offered with amazing career opportunities.
Students get a chance to grow and develop personally.
Students get a chance to explore diversity and new culture.
Students can experience a different style of teaching, learning different language, getting overall a better lifestyle.