Elena Gold
Billions of rupees that belong to Russia are stuck in accounts in India. Over 30 billions in US dollars.
India was buying a lot of Russian oil and paid in rupee, their national currency. Russia doesn’t buy that much in India, and the amount of Russia’s money in Indian banks keeps growing.
It cannot be exchanged for another currency within India or exported abroad — without the permission of the Indian Central Bank. And the Indian Central Bank refuses to allow it.
Some say that’s the reason why ruble is falling.
Ruble is already cheaper than rupee.
There was a big scandal in the Kremlin because of the stash of rupees that Russia can’t use. Presidential administration was trying to figure out who was the genius who came up with the idea of trading with India in its national currency, which is inconvertible.
Lavrov was sent to G20 with the task to sort it out.
After begging and pleading, Lavrov reported: India promised to offer “promising projects for investing rupees”.
In other words:
India received Russian oil.
Paid for the oil in rupees.
Rupees remained in Indian banks.
And now they will return to the Indian economy.
It’s a master class on the topic “How to extract multi-billion dollar profits from Russia’s superiority complex”.
Jagannath Khuntia
In the wake of the Ukraine and Russia war and US sanctions on the use of dollars for payments to Russia and Iran, the RBI in July 2022 allowed settlement for import and export of goods and services in rupee.
Imports from Russia in India averaged 85.72 INR Billion from 2014 until 2023, reaching an all time high of 496.20 INR Billion in May of 2023 .
India is using Chinese yuan to pay for 10% of its Russian oil imports, rest in rupee and dirham.
Even after all these , sanctions-hit Russia may have to invest much of its fast-accumulating rupee reserves — estimated at over $2 billion and continuously growing — in government securities and infrastructure and other projects in India, as it is now running out of options of taking money out of the country,
India has rejected a proposal supported by Russia to allow Iran to import Indian goods and pay for it using Russia’s rupee reserves because of the diplomatic risks attached to . India and Russia have been settling some of their non-oil trade in rupees since the begng of this year .
Russia is also keen to do more trade in "national currencies and currencies of friendly countries.
About 19-20 transactions have happened (in rupees) since January ... All these transactions have been Indian exports to Russia
To fix this trade imbalance Russia wants to expand supplies from India, such as machinery imports, components and equipment for road construction, chemicals and pharmaceuticals .
Russia has supplied armament and steel plants and other technology for decades now. In fact since ‘60s. All trade was Rupee-Rouble trade. Since both currencies were not free floating this trade became some sort of barter trade using Russian banks and Indian banks . So Rupee Letters of credit were routinely operated through earmarked Indian Banks. Canara Bank being one of them. Russian businesses imported Tea, Coffee, Rice, woolens and clothing etc. from India. Come Perestroika the Russian businesses muscled in and almost broke the chain. Added to this was cheaper and better products from China (shipped over land hence cheaper) made it difficult for Indian traders.
So in essence it is an age old problem but solutions are there . In fact have been there and successfully implemented. The only issue this time is the Ukrainian war and the ensuing western. sanctions. However the sanctions have not been biting so far . So let us see.
I don't understand why people are trying to to reinvent the wheel.
If there is already a solution, what is it? To figure that out, we need to understand the problem first. Let me explain:
The problem here is that we have a narrow focus on what India can supply to Russia. While India can export certain items to Russia, nothing in India can match the currency volume generated from buying oil from Russia continuously.
However, if India shifts its focus to what Russia needs, there are multiple options available. India can procure those items from other countries and sell them to Russia.
It might seem ridiculous, but India is already following a similar approach with Europe. India buys oil from Russia and sells it to Europe.
So, the idea now is to reverse this process. India can buy what Russia requires from Europe and other nations and sell it to Russia. By doing so, India can strengthen its position as a mediator between nations and earn a significant commission as a middleman.
Tose Nikolov
The conversion ratio of Rubble to Rupees will increase, and it will become cheaper for Russians to buy things from India.
If Russia gets enough of Rupees they might pull out a trick where they lend money to the Indian government for certain “political concessions”. In real terms the Indian government will be able to spend more money than they are taxed, and Russia gets whatever the concession is.
I am sure that the Americans will be super happy if Russia gets a port on the Indian ocean.
Alternatively if India screws Russia for some reason and refuses a concession, the Russians will put a huge amount of the Rupees back in circulation and cause an inflation in India, destabilizing the economy.
Vicky Ghai
It is important to note that Russia primarily sells oil to India in US dollars, not Indian rupees. However, if Russia were to receive a large amount of Indian rupees for any reason, there are several potential solutions to consider.
One option would be for Russia to convert the Indian rupees into a more widely accepted currency, such as US dollars or Euros, through a currency exchange, This would allow Russia to use the funds more easily for international transactions and investment.Another option would be for Russia to use the Indian rupees to purchase goods or services from India. This would not only help to offset the balance of trade between the two countries, but also provide Russia with access to products and services that it may needs. Finally, Russia could consider investing the Indian rupees in the Indian economy through various financial instruments, such as stocks or bonds. This would not only help to boost the Indian economy, but also potentially provide Russia with a return on its investment's.
Rod Willett
There is no easy or immediate solution. Putin has destroyed Russia’s primary European markets, now it’s getting screwed by India and the China both. India takes Russian Oil, pays for it in Rupee’s. They then refine that oil, and sell the high value product on, mostly to the EU, while getting paid in Euros and Dollars.
Meanwhile the Chinese are doing exactly the same thing to Russia, and in the process both are crushing Russian margins. the only difference is China has stuff the Russian’s want, so even if the exchange rate is poor they at least can spend their Chinese Yuan.
Tat Huen
Why is this a real problem at all? Russia is India's largest arms supplier to the tune of $14B in the last 5 year alone. This was never a problem with just keep buying more Russian arms, and piling onto the trade imbalance. Adding oil to that should just increase the trade imbalance.
Gyaan Sarovar
To clarify, Russia does not accept payment in Indian rupees for oil sales to India. Typically, oil transactions between countries are conducted in U.S. dollars or other major global currencies. However, if hypothetically, Russia were to accumulate a significant amount of Indian rupees, there are a few potential solutions:
Currency Swap Agreements: Russia and India could explore currency swap agreements, where the rupees held by Russia could be exchanged for Russian rubles or other mutually agreed-upon currencies.
Diversify Trade: Both countries could work towards diversifying their trade and exploring other sectors beyond oil. By expanding the range of goods and services traded, the reliance on oil transactions could decrease, reducing the accumulation of a single currency.
Financial Instruments: Russia could explore financial instruments or investment opportunities within India to utilize the accumulated rupees. This could involve investing in Indian companies, infrastructure projects, or financial markets, thereby putting the funds to productive use.
Bilateral Agreements: The governments of Russia and India could engage in discussions to find mutually beneficial solutions. This may involve negotiations regarding currency exchange, trade terms, or other economic cooperation agreements.
Billions of rupees that belong to Russia are stuck in accounts in India. Over 30 billions in US dollars.
India was buying a lot of Russian oil and paid in rupee, their national currency. Russia doesn’t buy that much in India, and the amount of Russia’s money in Indian banks keeps growing.
It cannot be exchanged for another currency within India or exported abroad — without the permission of the Indian Central Bank. And the Indian Central Bank refuses to allow it.
Some say that’s the reason why ruble is falling.
Ruble is already cheaper than rupee.
There was a big scandal in the Kremlin because of the stash of rupees that Russia can’t use. Presidential administration was trying to figure out who was the genius who came up with the idea of trading with India in its national currency, which is inconvertible.
Lavrov was sent to G20 with the task to sort it out.
After begging and pleading, Lavrov reported: India promised to offer “promising projects for investing rupees”.
In other words:
India received Russian oil.
Paid for the oil in rupees.
Rupees remained in Indian banks.
And now they will return to the Indian economy.
It’s a master class on the topic “How to extract multi-billion dollar profits from Russia’s superiority complex”.
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, and Head of Russia’s foreign ministry Lavrov.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
Patriotic films created there will be bright and exhilarating.
The heroes of the Northern Military District, to the songs of Shaman, will brilliantly defeat NATO and conquer the solar system!
In the wake of the Ukraine and Russia war and US sanctions on the use of dollars for payments to Russia and Iran, the RBI in July 2022 allowed settlement for import and export of goods and services in rupee.
Imports from Russia in India averaged 85.72 INR Billion from 2014 until 2023, reaching an all time high of 496.20 INR Billion in May of 2023 .
India is using Chinese yuan to pay for 10% of its Russian oil imports, rest in rupee and dirham.
India has rejected a proposal supported by Russia to allow Iran to import Indian goods and pay for it using Russia’s rupee reserves because of the diplomatic risks attached to . India and Russia have been settling some of their non-oil trade in rupees since the begng of this year .
About 19-20 transactions have happened (in rupees) since January ... All these transactions have been Indian exports to Russia
To fix this trade imbalance Russia wants to expand supplies from India, such as machinery imports, components and equipment for road construction, chemicals and pharmaceuticals .
Russia has supplied armament and steel plants and other technology for decades now. In fact since ‘60s. All trade was Rupee-Rouble trade. Since both currencies were not free floating this trade became some sort of barter trade using Russian banks and Indian banks . So Rupee Letters of credit were routinely operated through earmarked Indian Banks. Canara Bank being one of them. Russian businesses imported Tea, Coffee, Rice, woolens and clothing etc. from India. Come Perestroika the Russian businesses muscled in and almost broke the chain. Added to this was cheaper and better products from China (shipped over land hence cheaper) made it difficult for Indian traders.
I don't understand why people are trying to to reinvent the wheel.
If there is already a solution, what is it? To figure that out, we need to understand the problem first. Let me explain:
However, if India shifts its focus to what Russia needs, there are multiple options available. India can procure those items from other countries and sell them to Russia.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
So, the idea now is to reverse this process. India can buy what Russia requires from Europe and other nations and sell it to Russia. By doing so, India can strengthen its position as a mediator between nations and earn a significant commission as a middleman.
The conversion ratio of Rubble to Rupees will increase, and it will become cheaper for Russians to buy things from India.
If Russia gets enough of Rupees they might pull out a trick where they lend money to the Indian government for certain “political concessions”. In real terms the Indian government will be able to spend more money than they are taxed, and Russia gets whatever the concession is.
Alternatively if India screws Russia for some reason and refuses a concession, the Russians will put a huge amount of the Rupees back in circulation and cause an inflation in India, destabilizing the economy.
It is important to note that Russia primarily sells oil to India in US dollars, not Indian rupees. However, if Russia were to receive a large amount of Indian rupees for any reason, there are several potential solutions to consider.
There is no easy or immediate solution. Putin has destroyed Russia’s primary European markets, now it’s getting screwed by India and the China both. India takes Russian Oil, pays for it in Rupee’s. They then refine that oil, and sell the high value product on, mostly to the EU, while getting paid in Euros and Dollars.
Meanwhile the Chinese are doing exactly the same thing to Russia, and in the process both are crushing Russian margins. the only difference is China has stuff the Russian’s want, so even if the exchange rate is poor they at least can spend their Chinese Yuan.
Why is this a real problem at all? Russia is India's largest arms supplier to the tune of $14B in the last 5 year alone. This was never a problem with just keep buying more Russian arms, and piling onto the trade imbalance. Adding oil to that should just increase the trade imbalance.
To clarify, Russia does not accept payment in Indian rupees for oil sales to India. Typically, oil transactions between countries are conducted in U.S. dollars or other major global currencies. However, if hypothetically, Russia were to accumulate a significant amount of Indian rupees, there are a few potential solutions:
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
Diversify Trade: Both countries could work towards diversifying their trade and exploring other sectors beyond oil. By expanding the range of goods and services traded, the reliance on oil transactions could decrease, reducing the accumulation of a single currency.
Bilateral Agreements: The governments of Russia and India could engage in discussions to find mutually beneficial solutions. This may involve negotiations regarding currency exchange, trade terms, or other economic cooperation agreements.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處