What''s the worst thing you''ve ever eaten in order to be polite?

What's the worst thing you've ever eaten in order to be polite?
很贊 ( 2 )
My grandmother cooked up a half a dozen pies for a Thanksgiving or Christmas, so long ago I forget which. She sliced me off a little piece first and had me try it. It was AWFUL, but I ate it and thanked her. Later that night after dinner we were getting ready for dessert and grandma just started crying. She had baked all the pies with salt rather than sugar.
Ooo, this one stings. :(
I know, right? Looking back on it, it was obviously no huge deal. Just dessert. I think it’s so memorable to me because grandma felt like she’d ruined everything and I’m sure I felt partly responsible because I’d had some and didn’t say a thing. And, of course, everybody thought it was hilarious that I’d eaten a slice of it.
It hurts my heart for Grandma, I can empathize with her sadness. I would beat myself up over it too.
I'm sure no pie was no big deal for you, but six pies is a lot of work and emotional investment for an old lady.
For sure. When you bake for others the reward is the enjoyment others get out of eating what you’ve made. All that time spent for nothing. So sad.
Pumpkin pie but the person forgot to remove the wax paper after proofing the crust which caused the filling to not set correctly. So imaging eating pumpkin soup out of a paper bowl but also eating the bowl at the same time.
My grandmother was amazing on thanksgiving. Most precious memories of a dinner. Delicious everything. Homemade bread, and pies.
My dad grew up during the Depression and it has shaped his attitudes around food for his entire life. 75+ years later, he can’t stand to see food go to waste, and will find ways to recycle leftovers or use things of questionable freshness.
This is my MIL. She learned from her Depression era-raised parents to never waste food. Ever since she got a G-tube in her stomach, she has been sending me all the food in her house. The oldest canned food was from 2007. There were frozen loaves of bread with mold growing in them because she buys from the clearance aisles. The most disgusting was some wrapped up ground beef that smelled like death.
My grandmother (god rest her soul) was like this, but also a hoarder. If it was on sale she bought. There were canned goods from the 80s in her house. And not just a a few, there was a whole second kitchen full of the stuff. She had bbq sauce from 2000 that was still in use in her fridge. When she passed my mom said cleaning out her house was awful. They couldn’t even donate the food because it was too old.
My mother-in-law always has fresh fruit in her house but hasn’t eaten fresh fruit in twenty years because she insists on eating the spoiled fruit so it doesn’t go to waste.
My grandma replaced all cooking oils with coconut oil. Olive oil, vegetable oil, butter, all of it was replaced with coconut oil. You know what tastes disgusting cooked in coconut oil? Omelets.
Might as well just cook that bitch with no oils, damn. Or have a piece of bacon in that bitch beforehand.
Her exact response to that would have been "but coconut oil is so much healthier than bacon fat"
Coconut oil is legit when popping popcorn though. Still advise not to skip the butter though when it’s done. Movie theater tier shit.
See now thats an acceptable use for coconut oil.
Although that’s ok, peanut oil ROCKS for popcorn.
My mother in law uses coconut oil for EVERYTHING now from cooking oils to lotion. My dog had something in her eye so she put coconut oil in it. One vet trip and some antibiotics later, the eye infection my dog developed went away and we got much better at saying no to coconut oil.
Omfg. I woke up one morning with an absolutely legendary hangover at my best friend’s place. He suggested some scrambled eggs would fix me right up. However, he cooked them in coconut oil without telling me and then doused them in sriracha. I took one bite and immediately ran to the bathroom where I barfed my guts out. It’s been damn near 15 years and I still can’t get the taste of those eggs out of my mouth.
I have gone on a trip with my MIL who wanted to be in charge of cooking. She made scrambled eggs literally swimming in coconut oil 10 days in a row for breakfast, with half a slice of toast. She was offended on day 5 when I was nauseous all day and went to bed early. It took me a couple years to eat eggs again.
Oh god oh god WHY??? Coconut oil contains some of the highest concentrations of saturated fats!
Its okay for some things in the kitchen, one person mentioned its good for popping popcorn, and its also used in some curries. What its not good for is a general replacement for cooking oil.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
It is also really delicious in a lot of baked goods! It adds an extra level to cookies in terms of flavor.
Her normal cooking sounds like my mom's... Finally confronted her about it and she follows recipes, just doesn't put any of the spices they call for in it, and only puts half the onion they call for.
Finally confronted her about it and she follows recipes, just doesn't put any of the spices they call for in it...
It’s like half the online recipe reviews.
When we were kids, we were staying overnight at a family friend's house, and their sons made waffles. But, they used CUPS of salt instead of teaspoons...
It was a jello mold with a full salad in the mold. Lettuce, tomato, olives, onions, etc. Grandmother made it. We all were forced to eat it. It is still one of the most disgusting things I have ever had to eat.
There was a fad back in the 60s and 70s where it seemed like every other recipe was in a jello mold.
Yes there was. I'm here to testify that, as a kid, every family gathering there would be 4 or 5 jello molds with who knows what embedded in them. If you didn't try some of Aunt Betty's Tuna/Centipede/Marshmallow jello mold, there was hell to pay when you got home.
I hate it when people insist you're gonna be fine, or they think you're just exaggerating. When I was a kid, I was in hospital recovering from surgery. I'd had appendicitis and the bloody thing ruptured inside me. So they quickly got it out, but I had a tube in me to drain away all the infected gunk and I was on meds and a liquid drip. Needless to say, I wasn't feeling very well. I did not have an appetite at all. I had the drip, so I wasn't going to dehydrate, but the thought of eating anything made me feel nauseous. My mum was gently nudging me to eat plain toast, I took small bites but I couldn't handle much more. This one nurse obviously thought I was exaggerating and kept pressuring me to eat cereal. My mum wasn't happy, saying if they forced me to eat cereal now I was definitely gonna throw it up. But the nurse kept insisting. So I took 4 four spoonfuls of Coco Pops and the inevitable happened. Projectile vomited all over my hospital bed. It was vile. Of course as I got better I regained some appetite, but I was put off cereal for a while afterwards haha.
Natto. I've eaten a lot of questionable things in the name of being open minded or polite, but natto is one food that I can't hold down. Even to be polite. Lord help me, but I valiantly tried. The consistency of stringy, gooey mucus. It looks almost alien.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
I'm half japanese and my whole family loves natto. I hate everything about it. The smell, the look, the taste, everything. The fucking god damn mucus strings.
I tried it out of morbid curiosity when i was in japan. I thought itd be revolting. Honestly i didn't mind it. Not my favourite thing, but yeah, ok. I had my daughter accidentally vomit breastmilk in my mouth as a baby. Dont hold a full baby over your head for an aeroplane ride. Dont. Now THAT was disgusting.
I lived in Japan for three years, ostensibly teaching English at two junior high schools. These schools didn't have natto on the menu that often, so I only had it like five or six times. The flavor isn't my favorite, but the texture was what did me in every time - soooo slimy. Once I pulled some beans away from my cup to try to break the strands of slime. I stretched my arm as far as I could, and then a breeze from the open window caught the slime strands and blew them into my hair.
Guy I worked with gave me an italian sub he brought back from his house while on break. I told him I was okay but insisted. From the first bite I could tell something was weird about it but I kept taking small bites to be polite. Eventually the dude tells me that his mom used to work at the gas station next door and that she'd take the subs about to expire and put them in the freezer.
That guy tried to kill you...
For sure attempted murder.
Did you get sick?
As soon as he told me I ran to the bathroom and puked.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Good call. Probably saved your own life.
i once ate pasta that had olives in it. i didn't realize that i was supposed to spit out the pits so i just swallowed them. i thought i was being polite.
"I love olives in pasta! What's wrong with-... oh, not PIECES of olives, you mean whole... oh dear. I bet your next visit to the toilet was an unpleasant one."- my thought process.
I was once served fish that was cooked with the scales still on it. The host left the room and I started chowing down. Awful awful awful. Scales stuck in my throat for the rest of the day. I thought that was how I was intended to eat it because I had never seen that before.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
I once told one of my friends mums that I really, really liked pasta.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
My parents do something similar to this and it's so funny. If they realise you like something, they will overstock on it constantly like its your favorite food.
The first time I met my wife's grandparents they shoved a plate of Savoury Duck at me and stared at me until I had gagged the entire lot down, then brought me more.
I've choked some questionable things when my kids were small and loved "tea parties". The only one I actually spit out was coffee with lemon juice.
My wife regularly drinks coffee with lemon juice.
my boyfriend's grandmother kept putting food on my plate during CNY this year - and she gave me some.... sea cucumber with some 'hair' balls (not HAIRY balls) but the texture of the sea cucumber was so... gelatinous and super slimy. and idk if yall know how it looks but it does NOT look appetizing at ALL (kinda resembles a spiky slug)
It's an acquired taste, but sea cucumber is expensive stuff. And the stuff that looks like hair is actually a moss (fat choy), which is also really expensive stuff.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
thank you for educating me on this! it was my first time having something like that
A cork coaster that I mistook for a wafer. I even put toppings on it, like a taco or something.
You know why he was staring at only you right..? He totally knew you were eating a coaster.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall there, just to see the CFOs reaction of seeing someone eat an entire fucking coaster
Hey at least you got some quality fiber
None of it was terrible but one year my husband and I accidentally accepted three invitations for Thanksgiving dinner.
I was dating this girl in '06 for a few months before I met her extended family. I'm sitting at the table getting to know everyone and her dad, uncles and brother tell me if Nonna gives me something it would be considered rude not to eat it. Well fuck me I ate several bowls of pasta, veggies, meats, fruits, etc. I have never been more full in my life but desert is enroute and that's when it happened. Her grandmother puts a mammoth piece of lemon meringue pie down in front of me which I fucking in loath. Ate that bad boy with a smile on my face. I ended up marrying that girl 7 years later and now we have two kids. Sadly her grandmother passed from Covid last year. She was the most caring person I've ever met in my life and will miss her incredibly. She gave me her secret recipes to safeguard about 4 month before she died.
My boyfriend's late grandma, may she rest in peace, used to make the world's worst brownies. Because brownies are my boyfriend's favorite, she would always make us a big batch at Christmas and they were just terrible. Rock hard, minimal flavor, crumbled all over the place, just bad. But we had to eat them to be polite, every year.
a lotta wasabi
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Fun fact: supposedly it’s next to impossible to get real wasabi in the states. What is sold as wasabi there is actually just horse radish with food coloring.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
It's not so much that you can't get the real stuff, just that it's expensive, and horseradish is cheap by comparison. There is at least one sushi spot in my city (Phoenix) that has the real stuff regularly, but they don't send it out automatically, they ask you if you want it when your food is delivered.
it's also very labor-intensive. When my house mate decided to experiment with sushi making at home, he bought the real deal wasabi root and a shark skin grater. He was grinding that root for damn near an hour and only produced a dollop of wasabi paste that the other house mates and I finished off in just a couple pieces of sushi. hahaha he was so mad. He went back to just buying a tube lol.
The real stuff really is good. It's far more lively than the paste without being overwhelming. Where I've had it, they bring the root out to the table and grate it for you.
You can its just VERY expensive.
I'm surprised I haven't seen fermented tofu (aka "stinky tofu") on this list. It's not the worst food on earth. It's the worst THING on earth. Taking one bite was the darkest moment of my life. My parents are divorced, I've fought in war, I've had awful heartbreaking breakups. Ten seconds of fermented tofu was worse.
When I first visited Taiwan, I thought they had open sewers. No, it was just the smell of stinky tofu in the night markets.
OK I'm sending this descxtion to some of my Cantonese friends. I lived in Hong Kong and could never get past the smell. It was so rancid I don't know that I ever got all the way to tasting it.
I tried it at a night market in Taiwan. As a German friend of ours said undiplomatically, "It smells like dog shit," but honestly, I thought it tasted better than it smelled.
Yeah IMO stinky tofu and durian are similar in that they smell way worse than they taste. The stinky tofu I've had smelled pretty offensive but once you were actually eating it it was just like normal fried tofu with a little funk.